Monday 5 September 2011

A week behind but finished!

Well, the finished painting. I did it in 2 weeks instead of 1but not bad for me! I am now focused on the next piece. I am extremely busy for the next 2 weeks but hope to get some painting in. The teaching is starting up in late Sept. and classes have to be planned and some exercises done as examples.
I would really like some comments from any viewers....please comment good or bad just let me know your thoughts.... all are welcome!

Saturday 3 September 2011

Well, missed my own surprise!

Well, again I missed my time frame. I really have to make painting my priority. It is really difficult sometimes, and I feel I am starting to get into a bit of a rut. For some reason, I have been dwelling on the past. Mistakes, choices and what if's. Maybe it's my pending birthday, who knows. I do have a few things I wish I could have done differently and I'm sure I'm not alone on this. Painting however has always been my main passion but economics due play a major role in self doubt. I only can improve and with so does some monetary gain. I feel I have about 2 sessions left. They are getting longer with less painting. This means I'm thinking about "what" to do to improve the visual. I have kept to my original plan to add less detail but still have the work look realistic. Comments are very much welcome...haven't had too many so far????